Paint Like Degas: Learn the Secret Techniques of the Master of Movement and Light

Category: Books,Arts & Photography,Painting

Paint Like Degas: Learn the Secret Techniques of the Master of Movement and Light Details

About the Author Damian Callan studied painting at Edinburgh College of Art, and became interested in the moving figure. He has a studio in Edinburgh where he teaches classes, as well as at The National Gallery and Leith School of Art. He also writes for Artists and Illustrators Magazine. Read more


I found Paint Like Degas an excellent book for instructional and informational purposes. The breakdown of Degas’ methods was enlightening; I have since been working with some of the methods described – such as using tracing paper and adding on sheets of paper to extend the work into different directions. I’ve recently taken up using pastels as a medium and this book has been a boon to my education, augmenting the instruction I’ve received in classes. My classes, though good, haven’t treated pastel-painting in quite this way – describing and using Degas’ methods. The use of different papers (tracing paper to primed colored card) layering methods and using reversed images, etc. were all new information to me. This information opens up new pathways to creative success using a variety of methods not taught in my classes. For example, the mixed media chapter at the end of the book was intriguing – creating a monotype and then layering with pastels. The effect is compelling and I plan to try this technique. I don’t paint with oils but I found that section interesting nonetheless because I have always admired the paintings of Degas and learning about his processes was illuminating. The step-by-step instructions were clear & well-photographed. I cannot speak for oil-painters, but I would definitely recommend this book for pastel-painters and admirers of Degas’ work.

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